Author and Healer, John Pollock, has released his first two books in his "Bringing In the Light" series, Prayers for All Occasions and MYSTIC: Manifesting Your Soul, Truth In Consciousness. A MUST READ for ALL Light Workers and everyone who wishes to manifest health, wealth and happiness in life and all relationships!
John also provides long distance healing and energetic support for change - contact John by phone, via Skype, and/or by email request.
John and his books can help you integrate deeper levels of Love and Light, releasing limitations and awakening new possibilities. Cosmic Fire brings new joy and a lightness of Being!
Get John's books to start manifesting Love & Light!
Schedule your healing session with John today.

"Questions for Spirit"
© John Pollock 2022

Bringing In the Light series

Greetings! Archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel send our highest regards. We are in service to God. We are immortal, yet we are learning from humankind how best to serve you.
We come as teachers so that humanity can learn to bring the energies of the Angels inside and experience the "oneness" with us. This is how we teach, this is how humankind learns what it is to be joined with higher energies of God.
This is how humanity also experiences being joined with Holy Spirit through Lord Jesus Christ. The Love , Wisdom, and Power of God shine into the physical world bringing in Higher Light, Higher intelligence, more creativity, and greater expression of Love.
This is the respect, expansive, sweet, unlimited Love that God has for each person. This Love is given freely to all who open their heart to receive. It lifts us into a Higher awareness and a Higher life's flow with Highest expression. With Higher purpose in expression, even more blessings and miracles come forward in
This vast Love from God and the Angels is not to be misused. It is not to be seen as separate. Some call to God, Holy Spirit and Angels to use the Light to achieve their own ends. The gift from God is the sharing of Light and helping the physical world to become a part of God again. This is the evolutionary path of humankind and offers blessings and miracles to the challenges and quickening of life expression in the physical world.
Please call on us in meditation, our energies and best wishes are always with you and assisting each person to manifest, empower, and attract the most Loving possibilities.
In Love and Light,
The Archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel.